

Sweetheartz - was our first experiment with web3. Sweetheartz valentine-themed NFT project allows users to mint unique ERC721 tokens directly into someone else's wallet, serving as both a proof of concept and a demonstration of the potential to send NFTs directly.

How we built it

  • Front-end: The entire project was developed using a NextJS application, leveraging server-side rendering for optimal performance
  • Blockchain Interaction: We integrated Infura as our Web3 provider to facilitate seamless data transactions with the blockchain.
  • Wallet Authentication: We integrated WalletConnect was employed to handle wallet authentication, ensuring a smooth user experience.

New learnings

  • Gained proficiency in Solidity.
  • Developed an ERC721 smart contract from scratch.
  • Created an NFT image and property generator.
  • Integrated IPFS for decentralized storage, using Pinata as the pinning service.
  • Implemented Web3 authentication via wallet integration.
  • Leveraged the web3.js library to send transactions to the blockchain.